About Me

Hello Everyone,  
My name is  Nichole or as everyone calls me "Nik". I was born and raised in Southern California. I am a dog lover and owner and I spend my time with my dogs and fellow friends.  

 My dogs Bella and Buddy are my biggest inspiration for my Pet Services of Dog Training, Pet Sitting and Dog Walking. 
Bella is Golden Retriever and English Labrador. Buddy is AKC Black American Labrador.

Bella's Kanine Training

I operate and own B 'n' B Designz, a pet clothing store. My main goal for my business is to help animals all over the United States find forever homes and look stylish in them. I spend time volunteering for no kill shelters and donating my products at adoption events.    

I love to write about anything and everything. My blogs are about my life as a Dog owner, Dog Lover, avid pet adoption/rescue supporter and overall LOVE of life. 

Thank You for stopping by my Dawgy Blog.
Nichole "Nik" 